Get A Device Location & Details Accurately In A Minute | Linux

Mehedi Hasan
4 min readMay 18, 2021
Photo by MORAN on Unsplash

“Curiosity killed the Cat” well let's set our cat aside and put ourselves in its position. In this pandemic, we are staying online more than ever right!

And what we do? Clicking on everything and anything. That’s not our fault I belive 😎 How can we resist honey mix content from content writers.

But the reality is too harsh and we may or may not think or not priorize to that thought while randomly click this and that.

This time let’s dive into the cyber world and see how easy it is to get location and device details accurately of our target.

So, Our objective is
1. Getting target device details
2. Location of the target device

You can use any Linux distribution. Though my personal preference Parrot OS or Kali. Because when we are talking about penetration testing
everything is ready for you here and just waiting for your command only.

Required Tools / Packages:
1. A tunnel service. We’ll use ngrok
2. Seeker
3. python / python3


  1. ngrok

Create an account in ngrok. You’ll see the following dashboard.

ngrok dashboard

Then download ngrok file. Unzip it with the following command

unzip ngrok downloaded zip file

Now ngrok ready to use, but we’ll add authtoken since it’ll grant us access to more features and longer session times. Now go to the folder you downloaded and open a terminal and execute the following command

./ngrok authtoken your_authtoken

For example:
./ngrok authtoken 1sbOfjsOGnDmexamplewk87B_4ndexampleKjxyzP6J

2. Seeker

Clone the seeker repository on Linux.

git clone

Execute the following cmd where you cloned ‘seeker’

cd seeker/
apt update
apt install python3 python3-pip php
pip3 install requests


  1. Let’s go to the directory where you keep ‘ngrok’. Open a terminal and execute following cmd.
./ngrok http 8080

2. Minimize this terminal and open a new one at the directory of ‘seeker’ and same as before

python3 -t manual
cmd for seeker

‘Seeker’ will give several template. For now let's go with the first template called ‘Near You’.


So, write ‘0’ on terminal and hit enter …… 🙂😶😅 yup that’s it.

Now just copy the link from ‘ngrok’ and send it to our beloved target 😁 and wait for his click on that link.

link from ngrok

So, can you guess my target?!

I happen to have a buddy who always checks my patience with his slowness 😑

Yup talking about my PC 😷 Check the following video to find that out 🧐

Thank you for your precious time. This is my first time writing. If you think there have some mistake kindly contact with me. Let us keep learning from each other.

Disclaimer :
This is an educational purpose article & video only. I didn’t harm anyone I used my own device during explaining this method so please don’t use this method for any kind of illegal or malicious activities because hacking is a crime if you do this then it’s can land you in jail. I do not support any kind of illegal or malicious hacking.

